About Me

My Story

I have always liked to read, to escape into a good book. When I was younger though, I never put much thought into it. It wasn’t until I had children of my own that i saw the real value in a book. 

A book is so much more than a story bound in paper. A book fuels the imagination of all that read it. It transports you to other places, other times. It can give you somewhere to escape to. It can make you feel emotions, happy, sad, vulnerable, anxious sad etc. 

I always felt strongly about my own kids reading. Not to just enjoy the story, but to think outside the box. To ask questions and open their imaginations. Books can make you think. Sometimes that would backfire on me, and my daughter wouldn’t quit asking questions. Made bedtime reading challenging.

When my daughter started first grade, she loved library day. Learning to readwas tougher on her as she had a hearing impairment. I was always encouraging her to keep trying with her reading.

One day  afterschool, she was excited to show me her book. It was one of Karma Wilson’s bear books. The Bear Snores On. It was that book that I read to my children at bedtime that changed everything for me. I think by the next library day, I had read the book so many times, I was reciting it word for word. 

I told them the story on the drive to town, getting groceries, on the way to school, and sitting in the dentists office. My children were never bored by the story. We began making it interactive. Clara and Joseph (my children) would start saying the repetative  parts of the story. And there’s nothing cuter than a 4 year old saying “and the bear nores on”.

I think it will always be Clara and Josephs favourite book. One they will read to their children. And if I’m going to be honest, my favourite book as well. 

I can only hope one day, my books will be a child’s favourite and their mom will be reciting my stories in the car and the grocery store or on the way to school. 

Gina Frisby

"Another great children’s book from an amazing author! I love the little troll family in this book! Yes, I am a big kid at heart! Growing up in the Cariboo region, Troll Mountain Ski Hill is and always has been a great place for kids, of all ages, to make memories with their families. This story peaks your imagination about how this ski hill could have come about. I hope there are more of these amazing books in the future.

"Beautiful! Well Done! What a beautiful and honourable way to tell this story. Magical, absolutely well done! ."

"Wonderful Book! A wonderful book, my son loves it."

- Nia Matos, City Chronicle